Richard Carveth |
Son of Thomas Carveth and Ann Bassett, father of Richard Carveth and husband of Dorcas Gerrans
Richard Carveth was christened Richard Corveath at Ladock, Cornwall on 19th August 1705.
Richard married Dorcas Gerrans at Ladock on 6th June 1743 – see Gerrans & Ancestors Family History.
Richard and Dorcas had six children, including Richard, who were baptised on the following dates:
Thomas Carveth baptised on12th September 1744 at Ladock, Thomas was buried on 23rd December 1760
Ann Carveth baptised on 5th November 1745 at Ladock. Ann married, firstly, James Veitch (Surgeon) of Creed on 17th November 1766 in Probus; they had a son:-
James Richard Veitch Captain RN.
Ann secondly married John Carpenter of Tregony c.1775 in Tregony with Cuby; and thirdly Nicholas Bond, also in Tregony with Cuby c.1782
Richard Carveth baptised on 30th May 1748 - see note
Nicholas Carveth baptised on 8th October 1751 at Probus and was buried at Probus on 14th November 1821
Joan Carveth baptised on1st May 1755 at Probus. Joan married Samuel Secombe at Probus on 15th September 1779; they had five children and Joan was buried at Probus on 19th August 1830
Dorcas Carveth baptised on 27th December 1756 at Probus and died c.1782. Her will of 1782 is held in the Consistorial Archidiaconal Court of Cornwall
Richard was buried at Probus on 11th January 1774 and Dorcas on 23rd April 1797.
His will, dated 18th May 1771, was proved on 25th January 1774.
“In the name of God Amen. I Richard Carveth of the Parish of Probus in the County of Cornwall being of a sound perfect and a disposeing mind memory and understanding praised be God and calling to mind the uncertainty of this life do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and fforme following.
First I bequeath my soul unto the hands of the Almighty God my Maker hopeing to have full pardon of my Sins, and my body to the grave to be decently interred at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named and as to my Worldly Goods with which it has pleased God to blefs one I dispose thereof as follows.
Also I give and bequeath unto my dear Wife Dorcas Carveth all those my three Tenements lyeing and being in the parish of Ladock in the said County of Cornwall Commonly called or known by the Several names of Great Nankilles Little Nankilles and Millhays for and during the term of her Natural Life as the Term and Estate I now have therein shall so long Continue And I do also give and bequeath unto my Said dear Wife the two Beds with the ffurniture there to belonging and all other the Household Goods and furniture in the room wherin She now Lyes With such other Household Goods as She Shall Chose for her use with Liberty of Resideing and Liveing in the Said Room if She thinks fitt with all ways and pafsages to and from the Same for and dureing my Right therin and after the expiration of any present Term in Barteliver then I do order and direct my Executors hereinafter mentioned to find and provide unto and for my Said Wife Dorcas Carveth a Convenient Room to live in during her life.
Also I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Ann Veitch now the Wife of James Veitch of the Burrough of Gramp and in the Said County of Cornwall Surgeon, after the death of my Said Wife Dorcas Carveth all those my Said three Tenements in the parish of Ladock aforesaid called Great Nankilles Little Nankilles and Millhays for and during the term of her Natural Life to her own Separate use and not to be liable to the Intermedling or Control of her Husband, and after her Death in case my Right and Estate of and in the Said Tenements and premises or any or either of them shall be undetermined Then I give the Same or So much thereof as shall be undetermined to and among such Child or Children as my Daughter Ann Veitch shall have at the time of her Death equally to be divided between them Share and Share alike and I do by this my Will order and direct my Said Executors hereafter Named to take a Revertionary Lease of the Said Tenement called Great Nankilles in the name of and for the use of my Said Daughter Ann Veitch and put her Life thereon and to pay the Consideration money out of my Effects which I shall leave at the time of my death.
Also I give and bequeath unto my Said Daughter Ann Veitch all that my Mefsuage Tenement and premises in or called Degimbris within the Parish of Nervlyn in Pyder in the Said County of Cornwall for and during the life of my Said Wife Dorcas Carveth and from that time until She Shall be in the Pofsefsion of my Said three Tenements called Great Nankilles Little Nankilles and Millhays and until my Said Executors hereafter named Shall have taken Revertionary Lease of my Said Tenement and premises called Great Nankilles as aforesaid and When and afsoon as my Said Daughter Ann Veitch shall be in the Pofsefsion of my Said three Tenements called Little Nankilles and Millhays and Great Nankilles Shall be Reversed to her use and her Life put thereon then I do give and bequeath the Said Tenement and premises called Degimbris unto my two sons Richard Carveth and Nicholas Carveth equally to be divided between them Share and Share alike for and during all the Remainder of any Term therin.
Also I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Joan Carveth the Sum of ffive Hundred Pounds to be paid to her by my Executors hereafter named when She Shall attaine her full age of Twenty One years, And for her Support before She Shall attaine that age I do give unto her and I do order and direct my Said Executors hereafter named to pay unto her the yearly Sum of Twelve Pounds by quarterly payments the first payment to be made at the quarter day which Shall first happen next after my Death.
Also I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Dorcas Carveth the like Sum of ffive Hundred Pounds to be paid to her by my Executors hereafter named when She Shall attaine her full age of Twenty One years and the like Sum of Twelve Pounds yearly by quarterly payments until She Shall arrive at the age of Twenty one years as aforesaid The first payment thereof to be made at the usual quarter day which Shall first happen next after my Death.
Also Where as I have afsigned unto my Son Nicholas Carveth all that my Tenement and premises called Menheers within the parish of Creed and County the aforesaid I do hereby Confirm the Said Grant to him for and during all my Right therein.
All the Rest Residue and Remainder of my Mefsuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments Goods Chattels Rights Creditts and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever being not herein before given devised or bequeathed I do hereby give devise and bequeath unto my two Sons Richard Carveth and Nicholas Carveth equally to be divided between them Share and Share alike And I do hereby Make Nominate Constitute and appoint my Said two Sons Richard Carveth and Nicholas Carveth jointly whole and Sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament In Testimoney whereof I have to this my Last Will and Testiment written on two Sheets of Paper put my hand and Seale that is to say my hand to the first Sheet only and my hand and Seale to this last Sheet the Eighteenth day of May in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy One”.
The above data comes from a detailed family tree prepared by Pauline Duinka of Canada in the late 1970’s and Parish records
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