Bassett Family History


Ann Bassett 1675  married Thomas Carveth


The Bassett Family goes back to Emmanuel Bassett c.1600. The family lived in Probus and St Enooder, Cornwall, throughout this family history.


Below is the Bassett family line from the marriage of  Ann Bassett at the end of the list back to Emmanuel Bassett at the top of the list.


Hyperlinks in bold on Bassetts below lead to the histories of each individual  

  • Emmanuel Bassett c.1600 - 1676 (husband of Grace and father of Richard Bassett)

  • Richard Bassett 1643 - (wife of Jane Vanson {daughter of Thomas Vanson}and father of Ann Bassett

  • Ann Bassett 1675  (wife of Thomas Carveth and mother of Richard Carveth)Richardcarveth1705

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