Edith Nalton
Daughter of Joseph Nalton and Elizabeth Hitchcock, mother of Major Ronald Gill and wife of John Gill Edith’s birth certificate records her birth at East Gate, Driffield on 14th June 1871, the address of her parents She told Pamela Gill the story that when she was 10 years old, she went to a field with her younger brothers and sisters. A bull charged them and, while Edith managed to lift the little ones to safety over a fence, she was tossed. The damage was to the front of her legs beneath the knee and it was believed she would never walk again. Edith recalled how she later went by stagecoach from Driffield to Hull in order to visit a surgeon; an operation was then carried out to remove one of the bones from the front of her leg. The operation was carried out in the surgeon’s front room with strong drink, possibly whisky, as the anaesthetic. In the late 1950’s Edith showed her granddaughter, Pamela, the bones, preserved in a jar.
On Edith’s marriage in 1895, she was still living in Driffield at 53 Eastgate and her job was then that of a Dressmaker. Edith was an excellent needlewoman who made many clothes for her family. When Ron Gill and Kathleen moved from Rothbury Street to Bradford in 1946, they invited Edith to live with them, but she preferred to remain in Scarborough. However, she regularly visited the family in Bradford for a month at a time. Her death certificate records her death on 10th December 1964 and her address as 2 Rothbury Street, Scarborough
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