Letters concerning the suitability of Rev Thomas Kynaston to become a Deacon & Priest
Suitability to be a Deacon
Cum Thomas Kynaston A:B et collegii beatae Magdalenae apud Oxienses sicius commensalis, Sacrum Diaconatus Ordinem ambiens, literas nostras testimoniales de vita sua laudabili morumque integritate sibi a nobis petierit; nos. praeses et socii eiusdem collegii, quorum nomina subsripta sunt, testamur, et per praesentes testatum facimus, Praedictum Thomam Kynaston, per tres annos proxime elapsos, ex personali nostra cognitione, pie sobrie & honeste vitam instituisse, sedulo studiis Operam navasse, nec aliquid tenuisse, vel scripsisse (in quantum nobis innoluit) nisi quod Ecclesia Anglicana approbat et Tuetur. Eumque insuper dignum censemus, qui ad sacrum diaconatus ordinem admittatur
In cuius testimonium nomina nostra subscripsimus, et sigillum, quo hac in parte utimur, affigi curavimus
Ed. Butler Praeses
R Walker vice Praeses
Gul. Huett STB
To all faithful in Christ to whom this letter shall reach, greeting:
Since Thomas Kynaston, BA, member of the College of the Blessed Mary Magdalen, Oxford, seeking admission to the holy order of Deacon, has sought of us testimonials to his praiseworthy life and moral integrity; we, the president and fellows of the same college, whose names are written below, attest and give public witness that the said Thomas Kynaston, has, for the last three years, from our personal knowledge, lived his life piously, soberly and honestly; applied himself rigorously to his studies, and has not, (so far as we are aware) held any opinion or written anything except what the Anglican Church approves and upholds. Moreover we think him worthy to be admitted to the holy order of Deacon.
In witness whereof we sign our names below and have attached our usual seal
Edward Butler President
R Walker Vice President
William Huett, Bachelor of Sacred Theology
Suitability to be a Priest
Cum Thomas Kynaston A: B: e Coll. Magd. Oxon. Sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem ambiens, litteras nostras testimoniales de vita sua laudabili morumque integritate petierit; nos quorum nomina subcripta sunt, testamur, nos praedictum Thomam Kynaston per biennium proxime elapsum personaliter cognovisse; eumque per id tempus, pie sobrie & honeste se gessisse, serenissimo Regi Georgio fidelem subditum se praestitisse; nec quicquam, quod scimus, Ecclesiae Anglicanae moribus aut disciplina contrarium tenuisse, vel alius tenendum tradidisse. Quinetiam idoneum esse credimus moribus et scientia, qui in sacrum Presbyteratus ordinem admittatur.
Dat sum manibus nostris nono die Decembris annoque Domini 1729
Since Thomas Kynaston, BA, of Magdalene College, Oxford, seeking admission to the holy order of Deacon, has sought of us testimonials to his praiseworthy life and moral integrity; we, whose names are written below, give witness that the said Thomas Kynaston has been known to us personally for the last two years and that during that time he has conducted himself piously, soberly and honestly, and has shown himself to be a faithful subject of his most serene majesty King George; nor has he to our knowledge believed or taught anything contrary to the principles or discipline of the Anglican Church. Wherefore on both morals and learning we consider him suitable to be admitted to the Holy order of Priest.
Given under our hands the ninth day of |
John Evans |
December in the year of our Lord 1729 |
William Wilson |
John Harris |
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